Percy Messham is listed on a number of Flintshire Memorials. His story can be found on the Hawarden pages. Follow the link.
Messham, J Percy
11th April 2015
FWM visited Percy’s grave again on the 11th April 2015 and left 2 crosses
Learn more about the other soldiers on the Hope Memorial
- Asbury, Henry Thomas
- Bate, George Beaumont
- Bunnell, Thomas John
- Collins, Harold Stafford
- Davies, Albert
- Davies, George Holmes
- Davies, John Douglas Jones
- Davies, Morris
- Davies, W.
- Edwards, John Eric
- Edwards, Oswald
- Evans, Thomas
- Griffiths, Tom
- Griffiths, William Alexander
- Hamilton, John Allan
- Harley, George
- Hemmings, Alfred
- Henshaw, Ralph
- Howell, Joseph Leigh
- Howell, Joseph Leigh
- Howell, Joseph Leigh
- Huson, William Arnold
- Ithell, John William
- Ithell, Thomas
- Jenkins, Walter Edward
- Jones, Bert
- Jones, Charles Edward
- Jones, John William
- Jones, William Alfred
- Jones, William Herbert
- Kendrick, John
- Kilvert, Harry
- Lewis, Richard
- Maddock, William Frederick
- Messham, J Percy
- Peters, Meshack
- Pugh, Sydney
- Roberts, Albert Edward
- Roberts, Edward Thomas
- Roberts, Llewellyn David
- Roberts, William Jones
- Rowlands, Robert Owen
- Speed, John Edward
- Thomas, William Edward
- Trevor-Roper, Charles Cadwalladr
- Trevor-Roper, Geoffrey
- Tydd, John Thomas
- Wilcock, Samuel
- Williams, Frederick ‘Fred’
- Williams, Walter