
Silver, Fred Thomas

Frederick Thomas Silver was born in the September Quarter of 1891 (FreeBMD Runcorn Vol. 8a, Page 214) or CheshireBMD – Runcorn, Halton       RUN/67/39),  the son of Felix Reynolds Silver and Mary Jane Bennett, who married in the March Quarter of 1884, the marriage was registered in Kidderminster (Vol 6c, Page 260).  Frederick missed the 1891 census as that was taken on the 5th of April 1891.

The 1901 census shows the family living at 2, Chemical Manure Works House, Mold Junction, Saltney, Hawarden.   Head of the household was Felix R Silver, 45, a Clerk and Cashire, born in Dudley, Worcestershire.   His wife, Mary J. Silver was 45 and born in Kidderminster, Worchestershire.   Their children born in Runcorn were, Florence K., 16, William H., 14 a Printer’s Apprentice, Felix A., 13, Ethel M., and Frederick T., 9.   Children born in Saltney, Flintshire were, George B., 7, Elizabeth, 5 and Beatrice A. 3.

In 1911 the family were living in a 6 roomed house in Stone-bridge, Saltney, Chester, father Felix Reynolds Silver was 55, had been married for 27 years and was working at the Bone Manf. & Fertiliser Works.   His wife Mary Jane Silver tells us that 8 children had been born to them and they were all still living.   The only children left in the household were Florence Kate, 26, and single, Frederick Thomas, 19, single and a Book Keeper at a Stationers,  Elizabeth, 15 and Beatrice, 13.

Frederick Thomas was to marry in 1912 in a Civil Marriage or Registrar Attended marriage in Chester,(Cheshire West    ROC/58/169), his bride was Mary Elizabeth Dobbins.   A son Anthony Silver, was to be born on the 18th May 1913.

Frederick Thomas Silver was to enlist in the King’s Liverpool Regiment in Liverpool on the 2nd September 1914, his Attestation Papers tell us that his age was 23 years and 45 days, he was a Clerk and he was appointed a non-paid Lce/Cpl on the 13th March 1915 to be a Paid Lce/Cpl on the 27th March 1915.  His description  was given as – Height 5 feet 7 and ¾ inches, Weight – 135lbs, Chest Measurement – 34 and ½ inches, range of expansion 2 and ½ inches.   Complexion – Fair, Eyes – Grey, Hair – Brown and he was C of E.

His next of Kin was his father, Felix R. Silver but this was changed to Mary Elizabeth Silver, she gave her address as 5, York Street, Chester, her old address was 19, Bristowe Road, New Ferry, Cheshire.

Particulars of Marriage – Mary Elizabeth DOBBINS (Spinster), St. Francis’s, Chester 19th October 1912, Rev. J.P. DOLAN, Witnesses – Joseph FAIR and Teresa DOBBINS.

Particulars of Children – Anthony, born 18th May 1913.

Letter sent to Mary Elizabeth 27th March 1915 from Fulwood Barracks, Preston:-

Please forward your Marriage Certificate., also the Birth Certificate of your childre (if any) so that the particulare can be entered into the books of this office.  Kindly return this slip with same  and forward to Officer in Charge, Infantry Records, Fulwood Barracks, Preston.  –   Fulwood Barracks, Preston. 27th March 1915   John D. NASH, Major for Colours…. In Charge Infantry Records, No. 3 District.

Next Paper – Letter from the War Office dated the 17th January 1917, date stamped the 19th January 1916, to the Infantry Record Office, Preston stating that the widow of Cpl. F T. SILVER, 18th King’s Liverpool hads been awarded 15/6d a week for herself and one child with effect from 22d January 1917.

Another form to the Officer in Charge at Preston, date stamped 29th August 1916, states that Silver, E, 11, St. Mark’s Road, Saltney, would have a Separation Allowance of 14s and Allotment of pay of 3s 6d, last date to which the allowance will be paid to 15th January 1917.

It was bad enough that Mary Elizabeth had been left a widow, there was some trouble as can be seen in a letter Mary Elizabeth sent to the Army – Date stamped 9th October 1916 Pay Office Preston.

Dear Sir,  It would greatly oblige if I could have my marriage lines back and also my boy’s Anthony Silver Birth Certificate and also if I can have the money pay or wages which is due to my late Husband No. 16212 Fred Thomas SILVER (Corporal) Liverpool Reg. Killed on July 1st, 16.   I wrote to the War Office but they told me to apply to the Army pay Office & it is now 3 months, so your kind attention will greatly oblige I need the money I expected to get it before, but I thought perhaps it had been overlooked.   I remain yoyr faithfully Mary E. SILVER

An early reply would oblige I am wondering if my Marriage Lines are safe.          L445165

One of the papers state that the Marrriage & Birth Certs were returned 31st March 1915.

Widows Birth Cert returned to her 10th September 1916.

Frederick Thomas embarked for France on the 7th November 1915, he was promoted “In the Field” to Corporal on the 17th March 1916, he then was on leave to the UK on the 27th March 1916 and returned to France on the 8th May 1916, he was Killed in Action on the 1st July 1916, so Mary Elizabeth and Frederick were to have a little time together before he was killed.

After Frederick Thomas’s death, a Memorandum for Officer In charge, Infantry Record, Preston, N.1, from the War Office London.   Dated 29th November 1919, asking that any personal Property and medals belonging to the late Fred Thomas SILVER to be despatched to Mrs Mary Elizabeth TILLMANS, 5, Egerton Road, New Ferry, Cheshire. – Date Stamped 20th December 1919.

Mary Elizabeth Silver, Fred Thomas’s widow was to remarry to Thomas Kerr Tillman in a Civil Marriage (or Registrar Attended), in Chester (Cheshire West ROC/67/188)

Frederick T Silver in the British Army WWI Medal Rolls Index Cards, 1914-1920 confirms his regimental information and tells that his first Theatre of War was France and he entered it on the 7th November 1915.   He was awarded his Victory & British Medals as a Corporal.

Fred Thomas Silver in the UK, Army Registers of Soldiers’ Effects, 1901-1929 tell su that the Sole Legatee was his widow Mary Elizabeth Silver, an amout of £5 11s 0d was paid to her on 25th October 1916 (for herself and child), I believe that 2 awards of the War Gratuity was paid to her, one of £3.0.s 0d on the 15th October 1919 and the other of £6. 0s 0d on the 19th November 1919.

On the Brass Plaques in the Church, Frederick Thomas Silver is described as a Ptivate, but his Army Records show that Rank at date of death – Cpl 1st July 1916.   He served a total of 1 year 313 days.

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