John Williams was born in 1889 in Pickhill Denbighshire. He was recorded living with his family in the census of 1891 living at Tybroughton , Ellesmere in the District of Hanmer. Head of the household was Charles Williams a 23 year old Farm Labourer who had been born in Bronington. His wife, Selina was 21 and she too was from Bronington. Their listed children were Samuel who was 2 and John W(?) was 7 m0nths old.
The next census of 1901 records the family still in Tybroughton – in Roseporth Cottage. Charles was then 33 and still a Farm Labourer. Selina was 31 and the listed children were Samuel 12, John 10, Elsie 6, Mabel 4, Edward 2 and Elizabeth 2 months.
The 1911 census places the family still at Tybroughton. Charles was 43 and still a Farm Labourer. His wife of 23 years, selina was 41. She had given birth to 9 children and all were living. Listed at home were Charles Edward 12, Selina Elizabeth 10, Sidney 7, Francis Eric 5 and George Archibald was 3. Our man John was not at home. He would have been 19 and possibly had a ‘live-in’ job somewhere. Possibly on a farm. It has so far proved impossible to identify him.
We know that at some point he got married. His wife was Agnes.
UK Soldiers who died in The Great war 1914 -19 – accessible on includes all the military details listed above left. It adds that he enlisted in Overton and this source tells us he died of his wounds.
The Register of Soldier’s effects in which the army calculated what moneys were owed to deceased soldiers included an entry for John. It confirms he died of wounds in France on the 26th May 1918. His widow Agnes received a total of £14 ..9sh .. 8d in three separate payments.