Reuben Breslin was born in Hanmer in 1899. He was recorded in the census of 1901 living with his family at Croxton Pool, Hanmer. Head of the household was George Breslin who was a 42 year old waggoner on a farm. His wife Margaret was 37. Their listed children were Frederick 10, Charles 7, Rose 4 and Reuben 2.
Frederick Breslin, Reuben’s older brother was also killed in the war and is listed on Hanmer’s memorial. He has his own page on this website.
In the next census of 1911 the family was recorded at Hanmer Lane.George was by then 52 and was a farm labourer. His wife of 25 years. Margaret was 47. She had by then given birth to 9 children, 8 of whom were still living. The children listed at home were Reuben aged 12, Margaret 9 and Harry 5. They were all at school. (In 1911 older brother Fred and sister Rose were both living and working at a neighbouring farm). holds Reuben’s medal index card. It lists his two medals and also tells us that prior to joining the South Wales Borderers, he was in the Training Reserve with the regimental number 22398.
UK Soldiers who Died in The Great War 1914-19 also on Ancestry, lists the regimental details that appear at the top left of this page. It adds that he enlisted in Wrexham. This source tells us he was killed in action.
He has no known grave but is remembered on the Tyne Cot Memorial close to Ypres.
There is an index card for Reuben in The Flintshire Roll of Honour in the County Record Office in Hawarden. It confirms the regimental details and adds that he joined up on the 28th May 1917. The card was completed by the Vicar of Hanmer in September 1919.
The Register of Soldiers’ Effects in which the army calculated what moneys were owed to deceased soldiers, includes an entry for Reuben. His father George received a total of £11 ..15sh ..4d in two separate payments after the war.