
A total of 23 soldiers from this area served their country, with 6 having fallen and been commemorated on the Rhes y Cae Memorial


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The War Memorial is set just inside the wall that surrounds the churchyard of Eglwys Crist Rhes y Cae. It faces the road.  Written on the cross it says ‘In memory of the men who gave their lives in the Great Wars.’ Below the cross are the seven names from World War 1. Beneath these seven names, written on the base stone it says 1939 – 1945 and then the five names from that war. Underneath the names it says  ‘Make them to be numbered with thy saints’

Written on one side of the Memorial it says ‘Teyrnged Rhes y Cae I’r Meirw Dewr’ which is Welsh for ‘A Tribute to the brave dead of Rhes y Cae’

We have found what we can from sources in the public domain but now we need help from the families of those named. If you are a relative of one of the World War 1 men, please contact us on our ‘Contact us page’ if you have any details or memorabilia you are willing to share on the site. We can promise that we don’t need to keep anything but we would love to scan any photographs, letters, cards, medals etc to post on his page on the website.


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