MISSING AFTER BATTLE OF LOOS – Flintshire Observer & News. 25th November 1915
Queensferry Man Alive, but Prisoner
Good news has been received of Lance-Corporal George HAMPTON, of the 9th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers, who was officially reported missing after the battle of Loos. His parents, who live at Station Road, Queensferry, were distressed to learn he had “fallen in action” on September 25th. The Lance-corporal’s chum wrote breaking the news to them, and describing how George was seen going into the charge and now he never returned. The great joy of the parents can be imagined when they, the other day, recieved a letter from the son supposed dead. He was wounded in the great charge at Loos and taken prisoner of war.
Writing from a German prison to his father and mother, he says: – “Just a few lines to say I am feeling much better. I know you have had a most anxious time waiting for news of me, but will you send me some food, as they are not over-feeding us here – bread, butter, cake, also tobacco and matches. I was wounded and taken prisoner in the great charge on the 25th September. That morning, about 6.30, I shall never forget. It was awful to see my chums lying dead and wounded around me. How I got here I do not know, but I can only thank God I am alive. The sight I saw that morning I shall never forget. It is stamped on my memory for the rest of my life. If you can get a casualty list of our battalion and a few newspapers about the battle, you might keep them by until I come home. Write and let me know how our Joe is getting along. I hope he is safe and in good health, but cheer up! Perhaps the war will soon be over. I cannot say too much myself, and I am only allowed to write two letters per month. Remember me to all my friends. I hope all at home are in the best of health, and best love. – Fromy your affectionate son, George.”
Before joining the 9th Battalion R.W.F., Lance-corporal HAMPTON was a roller employed in the Staffordshire Mills at Messrs. Summer and Sons’ Works, Hawarden Bridge. He has a brother fighting with the 8th Battalion R.W.F. at the Dardanelles.
COUNTY HERALD – 13th December 1918 (Page 3, Column 2)
QUEENSFERRY – (Page 3, Column 2)
FLINTSHIRE OFFICER’S M.C. – News has arrived that Sec. Lieut. R. Bertram EVANS, R.W.F., son of Mr. R.T.EVANS, J.P., and Mrs EVANS, Queensferry, has been awarded the Military Cross for distinquished service in the field. In the recent advance of the Salonika army he was wounded in the face by a machine-gun bullet but he has now rejoined his battalion after a few weeks in hospital. Lieut. EVANS was formerly a member of the O.T.C. Bangor University, which he entered with a Flintshire County Scholarship from Hawarden County School. Before proceeding to the eastern front, he had seen some months’ service on the Somme in the summer of 1916.
FLINTSHIRE OBSERVER & NEWS – 24th December 1918
The Co-operative Hall was last week the scene of a very bright and enjoyable gathering, when a large number of wives and children of sailors and soldiers of Queensferry, Pentre, Mancot, Garden City, Marsh Cottages and Ashton (sic), about 300 in all, sat down to a substantial tea. The hall was finely decorated, and in the centre stood a huge Christmas Tree, provided by Mr. J.R. FREME, of Wepre Hall. After tea each child received a toy, and oranges were distributed. There followed an excellent concert by the Hardun? Pierrot Party and Aerodrome Orchestra. The donors included Messrs SUMMERS, Mesdames PAGDIN, HYAM, HUGHESS, MEYNARD, Messrs BAIRSTON and TOMPKIN, the Aerodrome Committee, the Queen’s Ferry Football Club, Women’s Guild, Buffs, Messrs GRIFFITHS, PRICE, OWEN, Mesdames E.R. MARSHALL and DUKES.
COUNTY HERALD, 9th January 1920 (Page 3, Col. 3)
Ministry’s Reply to Major T.H. PARRY, M.P.
The future of H.M. munitions factory, Queensferry, was mentioned at a meeting of the Hawarden Rural District Council, when the following letter was read from Lieut.- Col. T.H.PARR, D.S.O., M.P.:-
” I am writing to let you know how the matter stands with regard to the hostels and official residences at Mancott Royal. I have done all I could to induce the Ministry of Munitions to release these houses, but the difficulty they raise is that the future of H.M. factory, Queensferry, has not yet been decided. As you know, I have been, and am doing all I can to prevent the closing down of this factory if possible. I enclose a copy of the last letter I received from Mr. KELLAWAY, Deputy Minister of Munitions, and also his answer to a question I asked in the House on December 22nd. I shall be very glad to have an interview with representatives of the Board, when we can discuss the matter.”
The letter from Mr. KELLAWAY stated that he has looked into the question of converting into flats and cottages certain hostels and residences which are at present standing vacant at Mancott Royal, Flintshire. “The situation is still that the future of H.M. factory, Queensferry, is unsettled. This Ministry could not, obviously, undertake the conversion of the hostel, etc., into flats and cottages, and give effect to the wishes of your constituents it would be necessary to dispose of the hostels and residences to some authority, who would be prepared to bear the cost. This action the Ministry cannot well take.”
“If the factory is retained we may require the buildings as they stand for our own employers, and if the factory be sold, the hostel, tec., are exactly the buildings which the purchasers may require for their own officials and workers, who will probably be drawn from a distance. Mr. KELLAWAY hopes that the settlement of the future of the factory may not be long delayed, but i the meantime he greatly regrets that it is impracticable to do as your constituents suggest.”
A committee was appointed to meet Lieu.-Col. PARRY, M.P.
County Herald 16th January 1920 Page 6 Col 6
The official record of service of all men from Flintshire who served with the forces during the war is nearing completion. The President of the County Committee is Mr. Henry N. GLADSTONE, the Lord Lieutenant, and there are 53 Local Committees, from most of which returns have been received. The person named in each verified record or if he has not survived, his next-of-kin, will be presented by the Lord Lieutenant with an illuminated scroll. The presentations are made at public gatherings. Such a meeting was held at the Hippodrome, Connah’s Quay, on Wednesday night, last week, and another took place in Queensferry Council School on Saturday.
Kindly given to me by John Coppack, many thanks to him.