
A total of 134 soldiers from this area served their country, with 28 having fallen and been commemorated on the Queensferry Memorial


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QF memorial memorial 002

QF memorial memorial 001The Roll of Honour includes men of Queensferry who served and survived as well as those who died. Those who died are marked on The Roll of Honour with an asterisk, (there are five such names)  but there are 3 men, (Arthur Griffiths, David Jackson and Griff Lewis ) who died and who did not have an asterisk before their names. Please note that this website is primarily concerned with those servicemen who died in the conflict. The reason that some survivors are referred to in this section is because of the way the Queensferry Roll of Honour was compiled.


 To view Souvenir  Booklet Click on image above

These pages have been researched and written by Mavis Williams

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