He was born in 1890 in Mold. (Qtr June, Dist Holywell, Vol 11b Page 242) His mother was Clara and she was widowed by 1901. We have been unable to discover his father’s name. The 1901 census places the family in 5 Victoria Terrace in Mold. Percy was 10 and he lived with his 46 year old mother and siblings James Arthur 20yrs a stationer’s assistant and Gertrude Marie 18yrs.
By the 1911 census, the family had moved to Liverpool. They lived in 14 Alderson Road and Mother Clara was 57, Gertrude was 28 and was a certificated teacher and Percy was 20 and a merchant’s clerk working for Sugar Refiners.
Percy joined the army in October 1914 and he gave 14 Alderson road Liverpool as his address on his attestation Papers. He served in the UK until February 1915 when he was sent to France. The County Herald printed news of him in April 1915.

County Herald 16th April 1915
His army records show that he was becoming ill just a month later. He was sent home with what was described as rheumatic fever. His physical condition continued to cause concern and on 25th February 1916 he was discharged as he was no longer physically fit for war service. he was diagnosed with TB which had been aggravated by active service and climate. On his ‘Total Disablement Form’ was written the following
‘While with the battalion in France weather was for greater part of time very bad and although man only carried out ordinary duties of trench warfare, they would themselves cause exceptional hardships and strain. Batt. spent alternate periods in and out of trenches and whilst out of trenches on fatigue work conveying material at night to trenches in which Watts did his share and such work generally requires a strong constitution to withstand the strain occasioned by the continual hardship and exposure.’
There is a death registered in December 1916 for Percy A Watts aged 26 in West Derby (Liverpool) Vol 8b Page 851. This is probably him but we can’t be sure. Presumably he was buried in Liverpool but we have no details. Percy is not listed on the Commonwealth War Grave Commission’s data base

County Herald 4th June 1915

County Herald 18th June 1915