The 1911 census places Joseph Harold Fletcher in 8 King Street, Mold. He was single and a 25 year old manager of a brewery. He lived with his widowed mother, Eleanor, his 30 year old sister Catherine A and his 12 year old brother Charles. In 1911, he married Olive Muriel Bell from Rhuddlan. His CWGC certificate states that Olive’s address after the war was ‘Windyridge 68 Wentworth Rd Barnet Herts. His Flintshire Roll of Honour Card gives Earl Road as an address and is signed by E Fletcher – his mother?
The battle of Cambrai was a famous WW1 battle bcause it was where the British, used tanks for the first time. The tanks made a spectacular breakthrough of German lines and considerable ground was gained. unfortunately the infantry was unable to keep up with the tanks and were left exposed to a relentless German counter attack and the ensuing massive losses.

The memorial is very grand and majestic. It lists the 7,048 men who died in the battle but who have no known grave

We found Harold’s name on panel 5