
Roberts, Frank

Frank was born in 1898 in Leeswood near Mold. The census of 1901 places the family in Queen Street Leeswood. The head of the household was Meshach Roberts a 30 year old collier. His wife was Mary aged 26 and their son Frank was 2 years old. They had all been born in Leeswood.

The next census of 1911 finds the family in Laburnum Cottage Queen Street, Leeswood. Apart from being ten years older and having one more child life seems to be much the same for Meshach and Mary. Frank was 12 years old and a scholar and his little brother, Edwin was 1 year old.

There is a Roll of Honour card for Frank at the Flintshire County Archive Office at Hawarden. It gives the address as Laburnum Cottage Leeswood and says that he served 1 year and 6 months. It tells us that he died as a prisoner of war,  of dysentry at Forbach Germany. It gives the death date  as 14th October which  is slightly different from other sources all of which say that he died on 4th October 1918. This card was signed by Meshach Roberts on 17th October 1919.

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