The memorial at Isycoed is situated on a small piece of ground across the narrow lane from Isycoed Park. The home of the Godsal family
Two WW2 names were added at the bottom. Arthur Wynne’s name can clearly be seen but hidden beneath the poppy wreath is the name Bernard A Warburton Lee VC RN
The cross is mounted on a stone cube. Each of the presenting four faces of the cube has an inscription. The main facing one is of course, the list of names. The other three faces bear the following words.
True Love By Life
True Love by Death
is Tried
Live thou for England
We for England Died
Sons of this place let this of you be said
That you who live are worthy of your dead
These gave their lives that you who live may reap
A richer harvest er you fall asleep
To the Glory of God
And in ever grateful
Memory of the men
Of this parish who
Gave their lives for
Their country in the Great War 1914 -1919