
Williams, Samuel

Samuel Verdi Williams is named on the Hawarden memorial and  on the Northop Hall Memorial.  Follow the link to his page on the Northop Hall site where you will find additional details of his story.

His entry on Forces Genealogy says he was born in Hawarden which  might explain why he is on this War Memorial.

There is an index card for Samuel Verdi Williams in the Flintshire Roll of Honour at The County Record office in Hawarden. (Card Northop Hall F7)  It gives the address  Rose Hill, Northop Hall  and confirms his regimental details. The card tells us he served for 1 year  and was killed in Gallipoli. on the 8th August 1915 . Card signed by Ed. Astbury. J.R.R. 23rd September 1919.

(Edward Astbury was Clerk to Northop School Board and J.R.R. was James Robert Richardson the headteacher of Northop School. He compiled all the Northop Parish records)

Samuel’s Medal Card accessible on  states that his first Theatre of War was the Balkans,which he entered on the 8th August, 1915.

The Commonwealth War Grave Commission’s database says he died on the 15th August 1915

The confusion about death dates seems to be a feature of the  Gallipoli events in August 1915 and crops up on a number of soldiers’ stories. It is evidence perhaps of the chaos that there was at that time, in that place. .

Learn more about the other soldiers on the Hawarden Memorial

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