Henry L Ikin is listed on the Hawarden Memorial but it has not proved possible so far to identify anyone of that name. There is, however, a Herbert Lansdowne Ikin recorded in some documents. It is possible that there was a mistake made when constructing the memorial. The story on this page refers to Herbert Landsdowne Ikin. Please read it with caution. It might be the wrong man. If anyone can help sort out this enigma, we would be very grateful.
Herbert L. Ikin.was the only son of George and Evelyn August Ikin ( nee Powney). They had married in Chester in 1896 and Herbert L. Ikin had been born 2 years later.
Herbert’s first appearance on a census was in 1901. He was living with his family in Holme Street, Tarvin. Head of the household was Tarvin born George Herbert Ikin who was 27, a Cycle Maker and Agent. His wife Evelyn A. was 28 and hailed from Frome in Somerset. Young Herbert was 3.
The 1911 census records the family still in Tarvin. G. Herbert Ikin was 37 and a Cycle agent. His wife of 15 years, Evelyn A. was 37. They had only had 1 child, Herbert L was 13 and at school.
UK, Soldiers Died in the Great War, 1914-1919 accessible on www.ancestry.co.uk confirms the regimental information above and tells us that his birthplace was Tarvin and that he enlisted in Chester. His medal card. also available on ancestry details his medal entitlement.
There was nothing to connect this soldier to Hawarden. I asked people reading this page to contact us if they could help solve this mystery?
In October 2017 we were contacted by David McNay who was able to confirm that Herbert Ikin was once employed at the Hawarden Branch of Lloyd’s Bank.His name and photograph were in a Lloyd’s Bank Memorial Album. We were very grateful at ‘Flintshire War Memorials’ to receive the photograph below. from David.
Mystery solved.