
    Hawarden Parish Magazine – October 1914

    Extract from “The Rector’s Letter.”

    Last month I began my letter by saying that events had suddenly divided us into two sorts – those who could and those who, by reason of age, sex, health or profession, could not volunteer for active service in response to the call for men.

    Since then the response has been really great and it isn’t by any means finished yet.   The long lists on our own Church doors show increasingly how many connected with our parish are already at the front or in training, and more are anxiously waiting for the summons to join the corps for which they have offered themselves.

    The Squire is with the Welsh Fusiliers at Wrexham, and the whole of Hawarden is proud to know that he is there.   Some of you will have seen in last week’s PUNCH the picture of the man who, when asked when he didn’t want to join “Lord Kitchener’s new Army,” and replied “No; war’s for them as likes it, which I never did,”    I am sure that the Squire would say, too, that as for war, “he never did like it”; but, like or dislike, duty made its call and so he went, as all who knew him knew that he would.   “Good luck have thou with thine honour,” will be our united and most cordial wish as soon as the good news comes that he has got his commission.

    We feel very proud, too, of the C.L.B.* lads who have been accepted for the C.L.B. Battalion in connection with the King’s Royal Rifles – Arthur ALCAR, Fred CAIGER**, Percy COLEGATE, Harold GIBSON, and Leslie SHALLCROFT** – and we shall wish them all prosperity.

    * C.L.B. – Church Lad’s Brigade

    * *Fred CAIGER was to be killed in 1917, please read his story on the website below.

    *** Leslie SHALLCROFT was the son of Mr. & Mrs. SHALLCROFT who were, I believe, surrogate parents to William John & Frederick James HARDING.   William John HARDING was to die in 1916, please read William John’s story on the Website,

    Hawarden Parish Magazine – Extract from the Rector’s letter – December 1914

    I regret to have to record that Gunner John Hough of the Royal Garrison Artillery, son of Mrs Hough of Pentre, was accidentally shot and killed on August 26th last, while serving with the Colours at Columbia, Ceylon.

    Hawarden Parish Magazine – St John’s – Pentrobin – April 1915

    Late of Little Mountain – Mrs. Connah has received thanks from the King, in return for her 6 sons, now in the Army in the stress of War.   Let us record their names :- (1) Charles (1st Northumberland Fusiliers); (2) James (Leicester Regiment); (3) Benjamin (Connought Rangers); (4) Walter (5th R.W.F.); (5) Arthur (5th R.W.F.); (6) John ( 14th Welsh Regiment).

    Hawarden Parish Magazine – Pentrobin Choristers September 1915

    Excerpt from magazine :-
    It may be interesting to recall the names of choristers at Xmas 1904 – Walter and John CONNAH, Edw. CATHERALL*, Gordon MESSHAM*, John W. TAYLOR*, Ernest MESSHAM
    * Author’s note:- * these boys were amongst the fallen.

    Hawarden Parish Magazine – Rector’s Letter – October 1915 – Abridged.

    Few traits of our human nature are deeper or wider or worthier than the longing to perpetuate the memory of the dead; few have done more for the enrichment of life. Imagine England stripped of all that has come into being through the memorials of many generations and our lives impoverished by the loss of that which they have helped to keep remembrance! We need not look outside our own village.   Crowds visit Hawarden on Summer afternoons, and we have much to show them; much that it does them abiding good to see and to feel; on almost every item of interest, perhaps on every single one of inspiration, you might write the words “in memorium.”
    And now the time has come to add our greater Hawarden Memorials. All would like to see expressed, and to help to express, something of what we felt, but could not put into words, on that evening last April when we heard that the Squire had been killed in action at Laventie, and felt more deeply still when, ten days later, we laid his body to rest beneath the shadow of the Church, “in sure and certain hope of the resurection to eternal life.”
    Words never do more than express clumsily what we feel deeply; but I think we shall all want somehow to have shown our sense of thew greatness of the sacrifice of the part of one who, single-eyed to duty, laid down a life, that peace would have seenlived for others in high social service, that war saw laid down for others at the call of duty, this is what we want to enshrine in our Memorials.
    I say “Memorials” because I think there really need to be two to express what we want. The thought of Sacrifice, its transcendent worth, its eternal reflection of the Heart of God, suggests at once as the place for its embodiment the Church in which he worshipped; the thought of Social Service suggests some monument of benificent usefulness in the village dearest to him in all the world………..
    …………..That this is not the best of times for getting money, we all know; but face as we are with increasing expenses and decreaseing incomes, we shall one and all to help, as best we can towards something, even if that something has to be quite modest in size, to show our love and admiration for Lieut. William Glynne Charles GLADSTONE.
    His was almost the first of the lives laid down by those who went from Hawarden to the War. But our Roll of Honour has grown and on it stand the names of Percy Standish HORE, Lewis Reginald HUGHES, John Francis JONES, Stephen LATHAM, Charles ORCHARDSON, William Owen PARRY, Ernest SHACKLEFORD, William SMITH, Tom TUCK, Joseph WALTON, and Harry WILLIAMS. For these, too, we will raise a Memorial when the war is over, that none who worship at the Mother Church of the parish may ever fdorget the debt they owe to those who gave their lives that we may live in peace. F.S.M.B.

    HAWARDEN – County Herald 30th July 1915 


    Squire of Hawarden’s Exhortation

    Mr H.N.Gladstone, the new Lord-Lieutenant of Flintshire, made his first public appearance since his appointment to Hawarden, on Friday night, when he attended a meeting there for the purpose of forming a Hawarden Corps.   Mr. Gladstone said he could not make his appearance in that place in Hawarden for the first time as his Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Flint without expressing his deep regret that that duty should, on that occasion, fall upon him and not upon one whom, during the last ten years, they had learned to respect, admire and love.   They all knew what he considered to be his duty in his country’s cause when this terrible war came upon them, and they could have no doubt as to what his attitude would be towards that movement of establishing a Volunteer Corps in Hawarden.   He (the speaker) was sorry to say he was old enough to be a member of the old Volunteer Corps which was drilling in the park fifty years ago, and it was a satisfaction to know that they had a few of the old hands with them.   The other day he had the advantage of attending a meeting of the Central Committee in London, and two of three interesting statements were made.   In the first place the War Office had recorded their opinion that the Volunteer movement was a valuable ally for recruiting for the new armies.   Some people had expressed a fear it might have a contrary effect, but experience had shown otherwise.   In the town of Sheffied 2,000 Volunteers were enrolled, and they proceeded to obtain 1.600 recruits for the Regular Army.   In the county of Surrey, they had twelve battalions of Volunteers, and the Eddisbury Division of Cheshire, which included Chester, had a battalion of 1,250 men.   He did not see why Flintshire should not do what one division of Chester had done (hear, hear).   It must be plain to them that in this great crisis of our country every possible preparation must be made for all contingencies.   We knew now that the Government were making arrangements for war material for practically the whole of 1916.   That brought home to our minds the seriousness of the position, and it behoved every one to do what he could in helping his country.   Men not of military age in the Hawarden district could best help their country by joining the Volunteer Corps (Hear, hear).

    After other speeches a large number of recruits were immediately enrolled.

    In the same edition :- Letters to the Editor

    National Registration in Flintshire:  The Lord-Lieutenants Appeal.

    To the Editor of the County Herald.

    Sir – May I, as His Majesty’s Lieutenant for the County of Flint, ask you to make known through your columns the importance of a general and hearty response to the appeal of the President of the Local Government Board for voluntary assistance from all classes in connection with the enumeration of the population between the ages of 15 and 65 to be undertaken in the middle of August, under the National Registration Act.

    I attach the letter which Mr. Long has addressed to me, and would urge all those willing to help (and I am certain they are many) to offer their services promptly to the local authority of the district in which they live, namely, to the Town Council, or the Urban or Rural District Councils, in the County of Flint.

    As Mr. Long says, with the aid of sufficient voluntary assistance the local authorities should experience no difficulty in getting the Register prepared in a prompt and effective manner, and I have no doubt it will be forthcoming.

    I am, sir,

    Your obedient servant, H.N.Gladstone

    Burton manor,


    23rd July 1915



    Local Government Board, Whitehall, S.W. – 20th July 1915

    Sir, – The National Registration Act received the Royal Assent on Thursday last, and under Regulations which have just been issued by my Department the enumeration of the population between the ages of 15 and 65 will take place in the middle of August.

    The Act contemplates that a Register will be formed in each borough and urban or rural district under the direction of the local authority of the area.

    It is most important that this work should be conducted a expeditiously as possible and it is therefore desirable that the local authority should have abundant help for the purpose.   The Government is anxious on the one hand that the industrial occupations of the country should not be effected by the preparation of the Register, and on the other hand that the cost should be kept as low as is consistent with efficiency.   For this reason I have suggested that local authorities should avail themselves to the fullest extent of voluntary assistance in the work of preparing the Register.   I have myself received numerous offers of help from all classes, clergymen, professional men, school teachers, special constables, etc., and I am convinced that it is only necessary to inform the public that their help is needed to obtain from them an abundance of voluntary service.

    I am therefore venturing to ask you if you can see your way to issue an appeal in the press asking persons in your county who are likely to have spare time during the month of August to offer their services to the local authority of their district, namely the Town Council, or the Urban or Rural District Council, for work in connection with the Register, such as distribution and collection of registration forms, tabulation of forms, or any other work, clerical or otherwise, that may be necessary.   I am sure that such an appeal would meet with a ready response.

    With the aid of such voluntary assistance, the local authorities should experience no difficulty in getting the Register prepared in a prompt and effective manner.

    Yours sincerely,

    (signed) Walter Long.

    H.N.Gladstone, Esq., H.M. Lieutenant of the County of Flint.

    COUNTY HERALD 15th October 1915 (Page 3, no cutting, a transcription)

    HAWARDEN – Promotion For An Old Hawarden County School Boy. 

    We are pleased to note that Private Wm. J. Savage, 3rd-9th Royal Scots, (Lothian Regiment) has been gazetted Second-Lieutenant in the Black Watch (Royal Highlanders).   His younger brother, Bert, is serving in the Signal Section, Royal Naval Division, in the Dardanelles and has been specially mentioned by his Commanding Officer for his zeal and devotion to duty.   They are the sons of Mr. & Mrs. W.R. SAVAGE, of Caergwle 

    GALLANT STRETCHER BEARERS – Flintshire Observer 4th November 1915 (Page 7, Co. 1/4)


    Interesting Letter from Ewloe Sergeant

    Among the letters received by Mr. J.H. ADKINS, headmaster of the Drew Memorial School, Hawarden, from old boys – more than 80 of whom are serving their country – is one from Sergt. R. EVANS, of Ewloe, which is of special interest to Hawarden people, as it gives an account of the fine work of his platoon composed mostly of Hawarden young men.

    He writes: “ I have just got over dysentery and am expecting to got back to the firing-line any time.   Our stretcher bearers – the band boys- T. TUCK, E. WILCOXON, Harry WILLIAMS, Griff. JENKINS and T.GRIFFITHS, deserve to class as the bravest for the work they did in carrying the wounded under the most galling fire.

                They carried them from daylight until dark at night, and had both rifle fire and shellfire to face.   They not only carried our wounded but from every regiment, and I heard everybody passing remarks about what a brave lot they were.    They took them right from the firing line over the open ground for a mile and then came back to and fro all day.

                One of them carried two officers on his back out of the firing line, as there was no stretchers there at the time.   He took one down out of range and came back for the other. I thought you would like to know something about your Hawarden scholars which is true and worth knowing.   Everybody admired our stretcher bearers.   They were the constant talk on the beach among the R.A.M.C.

                I am sorry to say three of them are dead now.    I saw two – Harry WILLIAMS and JENKINS.    Poor Tom TUCK died in hospital.    Harry WILLIAMS was bending to pick up a wounded man when he got it in the head.   Both belonged to my platoon.    I wish to send my deepest sympathy to his mother and all the family, and also to Tom TUCK’s parents.   Douglas TUCK was going on all right when I left him.    He has since died.

                I don’t know how it must feel to have a brother out here.    I am afraid I should trouble more about him than myself.   It must be very hard for anyone.   All I have told you about the streatcher bearers is what every officer and man will say.    The busiest day we had on the Peninuslar was August 10th, that’s when we lost the Colonel and the biggest part of our chaps.   It won’t be a very happy return to Hawarden for whoever the lucky ones are, but there’s one thing that consoles us – we are fighting the winning fight.”

    COUNTY HERALD – Friday 11th February 1916

    HAWARDEN – Charge for German Lunitics – Hawarden Guardians’ Protest.

    Hawarden Board of Guardians discussed last Friday, a letter which has been received from the War Office in reference to the cost of six German inmates of the Denbigh Asylum, who had been in the interment camp at Queensferry.   It was stated that the guardians would have responsible for the payment.

    Mr. E. MOUSEDALE:   We should send the Kaiser a bill for them.

    The Chairman (Mr. J. CATHERALL):   We are not getting rates or anything else towards their payment.   The account should not be paid until the Local Government have been consulted.

    The Rev. J. ROBINSON said although these men happened to be sent from there (sic) union to the Asylum, they were not resident there.

    Mr ROWLANDS:  It was not we who asked them to come here.   We did not want them.

    It was pointed out that the War Office paid for the maintenance of the Germans interned in the Isle of Man, and also those who were interned at Queensferry, and the guardians now regard it as a hardship that they had to maintain the six Germans now they are sent to the Asylum.

    It was decided to consult the Local Government Board.

    Hawarden Parish Magazine November 1917

    Hawarden Parish Magazine - Hawarde and Ewloe

    FLINTSHIRE OBSERVER & NEWS – 13th June 1918 


    On Monday the remains of Captain Percival HURLBUTT were laid to rest in the Parish Church burial ground.   The family to which the deceased belonged have, for many years been closely connected with Hawarden, being generous supporters of the Church.   The restoration of the beautiful Whitley Vancel in which the daily services are held was the work of the deceased, and the family also gave a memorial window.   There was a large congregation, the service was read by the Rector; the lesson by the Revd. P. SPEIGHT, and the committal service by the Rev. A.E. DREW, vicar of Leighton.

    The mourners were Col. Hal. HURLBUTT, Mr. Frank HURLBUTT, Misses Mary, Lilian, Frances and Hilda HURLBUTT, and other relatives.   The hymns “Hark hark my Soul” and “God who mad’st earth and heaven,” were feelingly sung.

    The deceased had occupied an important position as land agent in the South of England, which he left to take part in the war.   In the last number of the Hawarden Parish Magazine appeared the following:-

    “Among the names of those who we remember in church are that of Capt.ain Percival HURLBUTT, who is at present in a nursing home in Chester.   He recently received a visit from General Sir William Pitcairn CAMPBIL, who formally invested him, on behalf of the King, with the Military Cross awarded him for conspicuous gallantry in Palestine during a bombing raid on a position known as Cactus Gardens.   The position was strongly held by the enemy, and though completely surrounded, Capt. HURLBUTT directed the bombing an succeeded in returning with valuable information.”

    (Post script – Percival is not remembered on any local memorial, even though he was the brother of Charles HURLBUTT, who, although an Officer in the R.W.F., did not fight, he is remembered on the Connah’s Quay &Shotton War Memorial, presumably for his “recruiting” for the war.)

    FLINTSHIRE OBSERVER & NEWS – 5th September 1918


                Private Eric LEATHERBARROW has been killed in France.   He worked at Messrs Summer’s Ironworks and lived at the Garden City, Queensferry.   His eldest brother was killed in the Dardanelles battles, and a sister is now serving as a Red Cross Nurse.

    Mrs John CONNELL has received news that her husband, Lieut, John CONNELL, has been seriously wounded in France.   A later message states that he has been brought over to England and is in a London hospital Lieut-CONNELL is the son of Mr CONNEL L, headmaster of St. Mark’s elementary schools, and is himself a teacher under the Flintshire Education Committee.

    Mrs Will ROBERTS, of Primrose Hill received an official communication and a letter from a chaplain in a Rouen hospital to the effect that her half-brother Private W.R.BROWN (Reggie) has been seriously wounded.   A subsequent communication, however, is just to hand from the wounded man himself stating that he has “arrived in Blighty.”

    Mrs WORRALL, of Penyllan-street, whose son Leonard is a prisoner in Germany, has just heard from him after a cessation of news for many months

    Private Jack ROBERTS, the son of Councillor ROBERTS, of Cestrian-street, who enlisted at the commencement of the war and seven months ago had to return to England owing to the effects of being gassed, has finished his lengthy period of recuperation and partial service with the home forces in Ireland, and after being home on draft leave at the week-end has again reported himself in preparation for return to the front.

    Private Tom WILLIAMS, of Golftyn-street, who was wounded in the thigh, in the recent attacks in France, has now reached England, and is in hospital at Maidenhead.

    FLINTSHIRE OBSERVER & NEWS – 12th September 1918 


    Considerable anxiety has been displayed by many people in this country whose relatives fell in the great offensive in France during the past year or two and were buried in the Somme battlefields and at various other places, as to what has become of their graves.   They have been much concerned as to whether the Germans have overrun those places which hitherto have had such reverent and affectionate care bestowed upon them.   It will be some measure of satisfaction to these bereaved and anxious ones to know that a Cheshire gentleman has just received a letter from one of our most famous war correspondents telling him that, as far as he has been able to observe or ascertain, the Germans have not destroyed or disturbed the graves of our fallen dead, and that they remain pretty much as they were before the enemy began to overrun the parts of the country in which they are situate.

    FLINTSHIRE OBSERVER & NEWS – 31st October 1918 


                On Saturday there was an impressive military funeral at the cemetery, Hawarden.  The deceased, Private John Henry RITCHIE, succumbed to pneumonia, and the body was brought from Waterloo Hospital to his home at Ewloe.   He was only 18, and had recently been called up, and had been in training for a month with the South Wales Borderers.

    A service was held at Ewloe Chapel, when the Rev. H. DAVIES, Ewloe Green, officiated.   The lesson was read by Mr. R. DAVIES, and the hymns, “O God our help” and “There is a blessed home,” were feelingly sung.   Before the sad procession left the chapel the “Dead March” was played by Mrs. JONES, organist.   The wheeled bier was used, and the coffin was covered by the Union Jack and a profusion of flowers.   The members of the Shepherd’ Friendly Society*, with Mr. T. ELLIS, secretary, and other officers, attended wearing funeral regalia, and the military escort was provided by the soldiers from Queen’s Ferry.   Every mark of respect was shown as the procession passed through the village.

    The service at the grave side was conducted by the Rev, H. DAVIES, who gave a touching address.   At the conclusion the committal service of the Ancient Order of Shepherds was read by Mr. John MILLINGTON, and the hymn “Jesu, lover of my soul,” was sung.   Three volleys were fired over the grave, and the “Last Post” was sounded   The chief mourners were:- Mr. Andrew RITCHIE (father), Mrs. RITCHIE (mother), Beatrice, Mary and Maggie (sisters), Mr and Mrs FAULKNER (Uncle and aunt).   The respect in which the deceased was held was amply shown by the large attendance of neighbours and friends, and the greatest sympathy is felt with Mr & Mrs RITCHIE and family.


    FLINTSHIRE OBSERVER & NEWS – 14th November 1918


    Proposed War Memorial – At a recent meeting of the Parish Church Council Mr. Bell JONES brought before the Council the question of some memorial in connection with the Church after the war, and suggested the building of a small opening out of the church, either where the present War Corner is, or on the opposite side of the Church by the organ.   The Parish Magazine adds:– ” The primary purpose of such a chapel would be to provide a quiet place for private prayer much needed in our Church because of the perpetual influx of visitors.   In such a chapel, perhaps upon the flanges of the windows, would be cut the names of all from Hawarden who have made the great sacrifice for the peace and freedom of the world.   The Council were unanimous in the resolve to have some war memorial directly in connection with the Parish Church, and was very grateful to Mr. Bell JONES for his suggestion.   The whole thing and any alternative plans will need turning and talking over, and other suggestions will be welcomed by the Council next time it meets.”


    COUNTY HERALD – 20th December 1918 Page 4, Column 4)


                In the Parish Magazine the Rector writes:- ” Some permanent memorial to them must very soon engage our attention.   In last month’s Magazine I mentioned one proposal, that we build on to the church, where our War corner now is, a small prayer chapel in which to record all their names, and to remind us, not so much of our charity, as of our debt, to pray for them.   Another proposal has reached me, that we should replace our Roll of Honour at the end of the Church Street with a permanent wayside shrine, like those in France and Belgium, of which one of the chaplains said that they had “persuaded more prayers than all the padres put together.”  Another alternative would be the replacement of our present wooden cross in the new churchyard with a more permanent cross or crucifix.   I shall be very glad to receive suggestions to bring, in the first instance, before our Church Council and afterward before a congregational meeting.

    COUNTY HERALD Friday 19th September 1919 (Page 5, Col.3)

    HAWARDEN – PRESENTATION OF MEDALS – At the meeting of the Council, held on Wednesday, last week, in the Town Hall, the Chairman (Mr. W.B. Jones) presented to each member of the Council and the Clerk a replica in silver of the Peace Medal given to children throughout the parish.   The Chairman was thanked, and in appreciation of his kindness, Mr. T. Evans of Stamford Way, Ewloe, who has been a member of the Council since 1898, presented on behalf of the members a similar medal in gold to Mr. Jones.

    Mr. Evans referred to the long connection of Mr. Jones with the Church and the parish of Hawarden, and hoped that the medal would remind him of many years of the esteem in which he was held by members, – Mr. Jones, in reply, said that no gift that he possessed would be more highly valued than that which he now received.   He hoped it would long remain as a cherished heirloom to remind those who would follow of his happy association with the Council, the termination of the greatest war in the history of the world, and of the noble part which the men of Hawarden parish played in it. – The Clerk stated that the expenses of the Peace celebration in the parish would be covered by a 2d. rate.

    Flintshire Observer 1st January 1920   


    Gold Rings for heroes 

    Flintshire’s Splendid Record  (From Our Own Reporter) 

    A remarkable event not only in the history of Ewloe, not even of the county of Flint, but of interest to the whole country, took place in the Hawarden County Schools, o Saturday evening, when 120 heroes of the great war were each presented with a solid gold signet ring, engraved with the initials of the recipient.

    The point cannot be laboured too much that the ring is not intended as a reminder of the excruciating tortures to which the lads were subjected from the elements, but as a token of thankfulness from those who, from sex, physique, or other causes were maintained in safety by the sufferings of those who went.

    Saturday’s event was preceded by a sumptuous dinner, at which 140 fighting men and their friends were seated, provided from funds subscribed in the village, and from sundry concerts and social events organised by the committee appointed by a public meeting at the commencement of the year, at which the event was decided upon, together with other arrangements in connection with the return of the boys.

    At the following meeting the chair was taken by the Rev. J.H. DACIES, of Ewloe Green, supported by the Rev. F.S.M. BENNETT, rector of Hawarden; the Rev. — MOORE, pastor of the Presbyterian Church; and Miss PARRY, sister of Lieut.- Col. T.H. PARRY, D.S.O., M.P..

    There is no one more entitled to officiate at such a memorable Flintshire event than Colonel PARRY, himself a soldier, who has won distinction in the great war.   The hearty hand-shake, the smiling word of companionship, and congratulation to each man to whom he handed his ring found a sympathetic spot in each heart.

    In opening the proceedings, Mr. DAVIES asked everybody to stand in silent tribute of respect and reverence for the fallen, and afterwards “Jesu, lover of my soul” was sung.  Mr. DAVIES said, on behalf of the committee who had organised the evening’s proceedings, that they had encountered difficulties in endeavouring to determine who were entitled to a ring, as it was necessary to see that no one received notice by two districts.   Thus, many who were perhaps expected to be on the list were omitted.   With regards to the memorial, this was only the beginning, the district being so scattered that it was difficult to make progress.   But a further meeting would be called, and it was hoped that the support of the public would be forthcoming.

    The musical programme was opened by a pianoforte rendering of “Home, sweet home,” following which a soprano solo was contributed by Miss HOLLINS, and a tenor solo by Mr. Ted HUGHES.   Miss Irma SURANYI gave a violin rendering, entitled, “Slumber Song and Elkin Dance.”


    Colonel PARRY said that as a soldier he appealed to those present to consider his duty in obeying orders, but he took a positive delight, during this festive season, in kicking over the traces.   It was a pleasure to him to see so many returned men.   His mind went back to the formation of the first small unit in Flintshire, which was only the advance guard of the many which went later.   Flintshire’s record was one of the best in the country.   Nearly everyone had made sacrifices, than Flintshire people.   This day was a day of happiness and of gloom; happiness in seeing so many of those who had returned; gloom in the remembrance of the gaps left by those who never would return.   It was just and right that the names should be made a permanent record so that those who followed would know what they had suffered.   But a real memorial would be to look after those who were left behind.

    It was his privilege to do his best as a Flintshire man, and perhaps everyone was thinking where they were two years ago at that time.   He was two miles from Jerusalem, helping to keep back the Turks.   He remembered how miserable he was; how, had he taken off his boots, he would never have got them on again.   But he was impressed by the wonderful spirit of the troops whilst fighting, particularly with the esprit de corps of the Flintshire men.   He hoped that the spirit would continue now that the men had been demobilised.   They had learned comradeship and companionship, but he missed it now.   Men, he said, were looking older.   He met an old friend and remarked the next day to a mutual acquaintance of their’s that “So-and-so was looking much older.”   “That’s strange,” remarked the mutual acquaintance, ” I have just left him and he said the same about you,”   Those that had been out were not quite fit, and he knew cases where men and been obliged to give up after two months’ return to work.   He hoped such would be enabled to rest and have a chance to recover.   He was sure that all the serice men expressed thanks for the truly, kindly spirit which had prompted this evening’s event (applause).

    The presentation was then proceeded with.   Mr. Guy MILLINGTON calling the names, and Colonel PARRY presenting each with a ring.   As each man came forward, Colonel PARRY shook him by the hand and said a word of congratulation


    The names of the recipients were read out in alphabetical order, as follows:-

    Richard ARTHUR, William BARTLEY, Joseph BARTLEY, Herbert BENTLEY, Ernest BRYAN, Walter BRYAN, Fred BLEESE, H.D. CATHERALL, Lloyd CHILTON, Evan COOKSEY, Eddie DAVIES, Peter DAVIES, Fred DAVIES, William DAVIES, Edward DAVIES (Ewloe), Edward DAVIES (Ewloe Green), Idwal DAVIES, T.A.EVANS, Thomas A.EVANS, Robert EVANS(Stamford Way), Robert EVANS (Mancott), Joseph Albert EVANS, Albert EVANS, Albert EVANS,(sic), John EVANS, Hollins EVANS, Edward ELLIS, Cecil FOX, Tom BOEAQUERIE, Ellis GRIFFITHS, John S, GRIFFITHS, W.H. GRIFFITHS (Ewloe) G.B.GRIFFITHS, Clifford GRIFFITHS, William GITTINGS, J.M. GIBSON, Chas. HOPKINSON, John HYNES, Edward HUGHES, Ernest HAMMERSLEY, Joseph HOLLINS, J.A. HOLMES, John HEWITT, John R. GRIFFITHS, Arthur JAQUES, Percy JAQUES, Walter JONES (Ewloe), Walter JONES (Aston), Stanley JONES, David JONES, Thos. E. JONES, Frank JONES, Herbert JONES, Chas. H. JONES, John JONES, Isaac JONES, William JONES, Harold JELLICOE, Walter KENDRICK, Andrew LANG, William LANG, Harry LLOYD, Jack LLOYD, Walter LOVELOCK, William LEWIS, Thomas McMANNERS, Lewis MILLINGTON, Clements MILLINGTON, Harold NEWBOLD, Thomas OWEN, Wilfred PARRY, John PARRY, Horace PRICE, Ernest PRICE, R.W.PRICE, E.S.PRICE, Stephen PEERS, Stephen PEERS (Dovey Cottages), Edward R. PEERS, Thomas PEERS, Price PEERS, Geo. PHILLIPS, Tom POWNELL, Robert POWNELL, Percy RAMSDALE, Harold REYNOLDS, William ROBERTS, J.E.ROBERTS, John ROBERTS, John STANFORD, Harold STANLEY, John W. STANLEY, Walter SIDDONS, Edward TAYLOR, Jack TAYLOR, Samuel THOMPSON, Chas TELLETT, Tom TELLETT, Robert TYSON, Enoch, Peter, Chas., Stephen and Thomas WILLCOCK, Walter WILLCOCK, Frank WILLCOCK, Tom WEIGH, William WEIGH, Enoch WILLIAMS, Edward WILLIAMS, Geo. WILLIAMS, Harry WYATT and Thomas WYNNE.

    The Rev F.S.M. BENNETT, In a brief speech, congratulated the committee on their success and ingenuity in choosing the ring and also the excellent manner in which each had been fitted.

    The Rev. — MOORE said he deeply appreciated the honour of being asked to the same platform as such distinguished men, and to speak on such an occasion.   He was delighted to hear Colonel PARRY’S speech, and glad to see him looking apparently well.   He ( the Colonel) had been wishing good luck to the men, and Mr. MOORE wished him good luck also.

    Mr. Edward MILLINGTON, representing the Flintshire County Council, appealed that in the hour of triumph we would not let the vanquished starve.

    Mr. John MILLINGTON, on behalf of the District Council, said that nothing gave him more pleasure than to see so many back again.   They were not what they were before they went, but he hoped they would do their utmost to make human nature what it was before the war.   Mr. Bell JONES also spoke.

    Mr. Stanley GRIFFITHS, speaking on behalf of the men, said how they appreciated the event.   He called particularly for three cheers for the ladies, which was heartily given.

    County Herald 16th January 1920   Page 6 Col 6


    The official record of service of all men from Flintshire who served with the forces during the war is nearing completion.   The President of the County Committee is Mr. Henry N. GLADSTONE, the Lord Lieutenant, and there are 53 Local Committees, from most of which returns have been received.   The person named in each verified record or if he has not survived, his next-of-kin, will be presented by the Lord Lieutenant with an illuminated scroll.   The presentations are made at public gatherings.    Such a meeting was held at the Hippodrome, Connah’s Quay, on Wednesday night, last week, and another took place in Queensferry Council School on Saturday.

    Kindly given to me by John Coppack, many thanks to him.



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