Samuel appears on the 1901 census living with his family at 3, Quay Road, Shotton, Flintshire. James Cooper was head of the household. He was a 44 year old joiner who had been born in Queensferry. His wife was Jane 43 and his children were Kate 16, Alfred 14, Benjamin 11, Samuel 8 and Alexander 4. (John Skene 66, a retired chemist was also there).
Ten years later in the 1911 census the family was living in Hawthorn Cottage, Shotton. James was by then 55 and his wife of 34 years, Jane was the same age. Living at home were Alfred who was married aged 24 and an engineer’s pattern maker, Benjamin was 22 and a sheet mill worker as was Samuel by then 18. Alexander was 14 and still at school. There was a 13 year old domestic servant Gertrude Bellis.
There is a card for Samuel in the Flintshire Roll of Honour at the County archive Office at Hawarden. It gives his regimental details, the address Hawthorn Cottage and that he had served in the army for 3 years and 5 months. It says he was killed in action near Albert*. The card was signed by A Cooper (Alfred or Alexander, one of his brothers?)
UK Soldiers who died in The Great War 1914 -19 accessible on gives us the additional information that he enlisted in Shotton.
Samuel’s medal card also accessible on ancestry, records his medal details and also tells us that his first theatre of war was France and that he entered it on 1st December 1915
Samuel Cooper in the UK, Army Registers of Soldiers’ Effects, 1901-1929 tells us that the sole Legatee was his mother Jane Cooper, who was paid £10. 12s 8d on the 21st September 1918 and his War Gratuity of £16. 0s 0d on the 9th December 1919.
Samuel is mentioned in the book ” Soldiers Died in Great War. Royla Welsh Fusiliers. Volume 28″
Samuel is remembered on the Hawarden War Memorial and the St. Ethelwold’s Church Screen