Isaac Jones first appeared on a census in 1891 living with his family at Quay Road, Connah’s Quay, Northop, Flintshire. There was no ‘head of household’ recorded. Catherine Jones, 36 was married and had been born in Scotland. Her children were listed as Mary A, 8, Isaac 4 had been born in Connah’s Quay as had Jane who was 2.
The 1901 census found the family living at 6 Union Street Connah’s Quay. Father, William 39 was present this time. He was a ‘Steamship Engine Driver (seas),which probably explains his absence in the 1891 census. His wife Catherine was 46. The children listed were Mary A.18, a School Teacher. Isaac 14 was a ‘Plumber’s Apprentice’. Jane was 12 and Donald was 8.
The 1911 census finds Isaac aged 24 and a plumber living away from home as a boarder at 9 Albert Place, Connah’s Quay, Flintshire with a family also named Jones.
Isaac’s parents, in 1911, were living at 301 Off High Street Connahs Quay. William Jones was recorded as a ‘Stationary Engine Driver in the Iron Works’. His wife of 29 years ,Catherine was 57. She had given birth to five 5 children but one had died. Donald 18 was a ‘Plumber’s Apprentice’. Jane was 22 and had married Arthur Hooson, a Butcher.
Isaac married Alice Hayes in a Civil ceremony in 1911 at Holywell Register Office (Flintshire (Mold) HOL/36/78).
Commonwealth War Grave Certificate, additional information: Son of William and Catherine Jones, of Islay House, 7, Glynne St., Connah’s Quay; husband of Francis Alice Jones, of 2, Albert Place, Connah’s Quay, Chester.
Isaac is mentioned in the book ” Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 – 1918 Royal Welsh Fusiliers Volume 28 ” It confirms the regimental details above and adds that he enlisted in Shotton. This source tells us he was ‘Killed in Action’ in Gallipoli on the 12th August 1915.
Isaac Jones in the UK, Army Registers of Soldiers’ Effects, 1901-1929 tells that the sole Legatee of his War Gratuity was his widow Alice £5. 0s 0d who was paid 7th August 1919.
The County Herald published the following item on the 3rd September 1915.
Connah’s Quay Soldiers killed in the Dardenelles.
Information had been received by Mrs Jones of 3, Albert Place, High Street, Connah’s Quay that her husband Pte Isaac Jones of the 8th Bn of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, had been killed in the Dardenelles. It is said he was writing to his wife respecting a comrade, who had been killed in action, and before he could post the letter he was fatally wounded. The letter was found in his possession and forwarded by an officer. Jones leaves a widow and 2 children to mourn his loss
Isaac’s Sister-in-Law Mrs Myra Margaret Jones was married to Isaac’s brother Donald, she died shortly after childbirth and her funeral report is transcribed below.
Connahs’ Quay & Shotton
Funeral of Mrs. Myra Margaret Jones, Shotton.
The funeral, amid numerous manifestations of deep regret, of Mrs Myra Jones, wife of Mr Donald Jones, and daughter of Mr & Mrs W.J. Williams, The Quarries, Ryland Street, Shotton, took place on the 31st ultimo. Mrs Jones, it will be remembered, passed away, after a very short illness on the 27th Ult. The cortege left the house and proceeded to the New Methodist Connexion church, where the Rev J.B.Brooks, the pastor, officiate. The hymns, “Art thou weary, art thou languid,” and ” When the day of toil is done,” were feelingly rendered. Mr. E.T. Edwards, the organist, played most effectively prior to the opening of the burial office “O Rest in the Lord” (Mendelssohn), and as the remains were bing conveyed form the edifice, ” Th Dead March” ( in Saul). The members of the Rivertown Congregational Church Choir, under the guidance of Mr DR Conway, contributing gratefully acknowledged assistance at the church. The remains of deceased were borne from the house to the church and thence to the graveside by four bearers attired in khaki (Comrades of her father of the 2/5 Royal Welsh Fusiliers), viz, Lance-Corporal Emrys Price, Lanc-Corpaoral W Wainwright, Privates R Morris and enoch Parker. The pathetic service was conducted at the St. Mark’s Cemetery, where the remains were consigned to their last resting place. It may be here stated that the elder brother of the deceased, Lance-Corporal C.V. Williams, fell in action in Festubert, on May 16th, whilst another brother, Haydn Williams, is now serving with his Battalion at the Dardanelles. – Wreathes were sent by the following:- The Husband; From Mother, Dad, Sisters and Brothers (“We sorrow deeply, but not without hope.”); Mr & Mrs Jones; father & mother-in-law;Captain & Mrs J Manifold & Nora, Uncle & aunties and cousin; Geirge, Maggie, and Bertie, cousins; Harry & Madeline cousins; Mrs C.V. Williams, Flint, sister-in-law; Captain & Mrs W.J.Coppack, cousins;Captain & Mrs Albert Hewitt, cousins; Captain & Joseph Hewitt, cousins; Mr & Mrs W.J.Wilkinson, cousins; Mr & Mrs Hooson, Brother & Sister-in-law; Mary Whittingham, Chester; Mr & Mrs Cowley, Chester; Mr & Mrs Walll, Shotton; Clara & Hilda Wall, Shotton; cousin Ellen, Northop Hall; Mrs Barnes, little Joy & Mabel, Shotton; Mrs Parry, Kittie, Violet & Sallie, Connah’s Quay; Mr & Mrs W Wynne & Family; Rivertown Church Choir, Shotton.
There is an index card for Isaac Jones in The Flintshire Roll of Honour in The County Record office in Hawarden. (Flintshire WW1 Index Cards 1915 Connah’s Quay F 35 2). It confirms the regimental details above and gives the address Albert Place, Connah’s Quay, Flintshire. The card tells us that he served from the 24th August 1914 and that he was Killed in Action on the 11th August 1915 in the Dardenelles. This date is slightly different from the official one. The card signed on the 22nd September 1919 by Mrs.Jones.
Isaac’s brother-n-law, Arthur HOOSON, Islay House, Connah’s Quay was also in the War, but survived, according to his Flintshire WW1 Index Card (L173) and was in the Welsh Guards, he was the husband of Isaac’s sister Jane JONES. He signed his card on the 25th October 1919.
Isaac Jones is named on the Memorial Plaque in St.Mark’s Church, Connah’s Quay.
Isaac Jones is commemorated on a family grave in Connah’s Quay cemetery.
In loving Memory of Lachlan McFadyen who died Sept 27th 1897 aged 64 years.
Also Pte. Isaac Jones 8th Batt. R.W.F.
who fell in action at Suvla Bay Aug 12th 1915 aged 29 yrs.
“Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends”.
Also Catherine Jones dearly Loved wife of William Jones who died Aug 1st 1928 aged 73 yrs.
“A loving Mother true and kind, a beautiful memory left behind”.
“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”.
Also the above William Beloved Husband Died Dec 11th 1942 aged 81 yrs.
“Worthy of remembrance”
(Monumental Inscriptions, Connah’s Quay Cemetery. Volume 1 – Page 18 JR2 37)
War Diary of the 8th Bn Royal Welsh Fusiliers may help to explain when and how Isaac died.
Addendum – If you would like a copy of the War Diaries for the 8th Bn R.W.F. please contact the website or they can be seen on