A County Roll of Honour – A County Roll of Honour accepted by Mr GLADSTONE at Hawarden Castle (Page 13) April 1918 – March 1921. (Hawarden Record Office D/BJ/453/6)
Mold Urban District Council Minutes 1919 Page 589 – 591. Special Meeting of the Council held on 20th August 1919. (Refers to the Flintshire WW1 Index Cards that are in the Hawarden Record Office – the only such collection in the British Isles)
The Chairman read a circular letter from the Lord Lieutenant of the County, and also from the Secretaries of the County of Flint War Memorial Committee, asking the Council to take steps with a view to co-operating in the County of Flint War Memorial, and appoint a Committee of local ladies and gentlemen for the purpose of preparing a complete list of Ex-Service men for the County record, and to arrange for contributions to the fund.
It was explained that the Memorial should take the form of a personal representation of a specially designed Commemorative address or Souvenir, and the compilation of an historic County Record.
A Commemorative Address recording individual service and indicative of the deep and abiding gratitude of the citizens of Flintshire would be given to each man and to the relatives of the fallen by H.M Lieutenant for the County of Flint.
The Chairman said Miss PARRY would be quite prepared to take in hand the preparation of a list of Ex-service men in the Urban Area.
Councillor J. Wynne WILLIAMS proposed. Councillor T.G.WYNNE seconded.
That Miss Parry’s kind offer be accepted.
Carried unanimously.
A Sub-Committee consisting of Councillor PARKINSON, MARSTON, B. WILLIAMS & THOMPSON, was appointed, with a view to making some effort for supplementing the County Fund.