Hawarden Parish Magazine August 1916.
Broughton & Bretton
Our roll of honour shews that the majority of men who have enlisted from our immediate neighbourhood are serving their country abroad.
So far we have been on the whole fortunate for only Walter LONG has been killed since the War began, and only seven have been wounded, if we include Mark BRERETON who has now retired from the army and has left Bretton. Lieut. WHITLEY has received his second wound, this time from a piece of shrapnel in the right forearm, but it is progressing so favourably that he will probably return to France in a few weeks. George LAWRENCE who is engaged in Blue Cross work was wounded a few weeks ago. Ernest MESSHAM, who some time back lost an eye, has been home again in the Warren. Dick JONES’ wound in the leg was apparently slight, and George CROFTS wounded arm seems so far healed that there is already some talk of him returning to the front. We are also glad to hear that Corporal Herbert JONES, the only soldier from Broughton who fought at Mons, has recovered from his severe illness and is back in France. We hope that before the summer is past he will be astride his horse again. Sergeant KINSALL is the only wounded man whom we have not mentioned. As most of our readers know he soon recovered and is back in Salonika.
We are glad to record that Ada CROFTS, a scholar attending Broughton School, has obtained a probationership at Hawarden County School. She hopes eventually to enter the teaching profession, and we hope this will prove to be the first of a series of successes. W.F.J.T.