Some days ago, we reported that a Mold family had been taking great care of a commemorative plaque with Herbert Foulkes’s name engraved on it. Their father had found it discarded more than 30 years ago. Daughter, Joan Harries, has kept the plaque clean and polished over the years and always wondered who Herbert Foulkes was. She’d long harboured the thought that it would be wonderful to return the plaque to the rightful family. Last week, through this website and through the efforts of the Flintshire Chronicle the family has been found and the plaque returned. Allyson Evans who lives in Prestatyn saw the story and realised that Herbert was the same Herbert Foulkes who was the brother of her Great Grandfather Robert Foulkes. And the rest, as they say, is history. On Tuesday this week, Joan Harries travelled to Prestatyn and handed the plaque to Allyson, who now has it in pride of place on her mantlepiece. Allyson explained that for a very long time after the war, the family had no idea at all what had happened to Herbert. There was no news of him, he had just disappeared into the mayhem of the war. After the war her Great grandfather went to France to try to find out what had happened but found nothing. We now know that he had been taken as a prisoner and died in a prisoner of war camp in France.
Allyson was able to share with us, some photographs of Herbert. To see them and read his story follow the link to his ‘page’ on the website.
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