Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this was the actual ball that was used on that famous Christmas Day? This letter was published in The County Herald on 3rd December 1915.
Letter from the ‘Soughton Boys’ (Transcript)
-Lance Corporal J Tyson Machine Gun Section 10th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, in France writes us as follows on date November 26th -” Just a few lines on behalf of the Soughton boys thanking one and all for what they have done to help in getting a ball for us to pass the time away while we are out of the trenches. You don’t know how cold it is in the winter, especially where we haven’t any fire to get to. We have got to have something to keep us warm. Hoping we have something else in the future. This letter leaves all the boys in the pink at present, so I will close my letter with many thanks and best wishes.”
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