
23rd October 2014 • Published by

The people of Flintshire at the end of the First World War left us a unique and important legacy. Every town and village made a huge effort to try to record on index cards, the details of everyone that served in the military during the war. Many cards had the right hand top corner cut off to signify that the person had ‘fallen’  (died). Those cards are in the County Record Office. Not every single serviceman was recorded. there are some gaps but for those of us researching the County’s war memorials the cards are our starting point. (There are now 23 researchers working on the website)


The cards have been brilliantly photographed and are now accessible on screen on the computers. Lindsay is looking at an Overton card

Yesterday a group of researchers from  spent the morning with staff from the Record Office, studying the cards and other archives which help us with our project. We think the people of Flintshire of 100 years ago, would be pleased to know that we have taken what they gave us and that we are trying hard through this website to tell the stories of their sons, husbands and brothers.


Claire and June, Dave and Lindsay – all busy


Celia standing left and Geoff sitting at the desk. Steph from the Record Office on the right


The search Room, Flintshire County Record Office.

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